Meet Anna Cole
Hi China Peak friends, I'm Anna. I grew up skiing her at China Peak and now I am the Head Coach of the race team! Being on the ski team here as a kid was my absolute favorite activity growing up and I pursued it as far as I could. I kept skiing all the way through college at the University of Nevada, Reno, which also allowed me to start coaching at some pretty awesome resorts in the Tahoe Basin.
I fell in love with getting to share my passion and the culture of ski racing with the next generation. Watching kids prgress, ski something steep or new for the first time (and getting to lead them to those cool new places) or just have an aha moment about something we are focused on makes me fall back in love with my job every day! Getting to do all of that here, at the resort that I call home, has been the greatest coaching experience yet.
China Peak is a not-so-little mountain, in a little place that I liken to Neverland. During the yaers I was away living in the hustle and bustle of a big ski town and big-name ski resorts, I yearned for the few consecutive days off I'd get in the winter to come ski at home. From the hidden terrain nuggets to the ability to be able to ski fresh tracks at noon, let along a week after a storm, there's not much out there like it. But before you even put your skis on, you are greeted by faces that have been greeting you for decades; show up any day of the week and you will always have a friend here, this community is a family and that might be the most special part.
Athletes that grow up on the race team become more technically sound skiers, they gain confidence through coaching and camaraderie, learn to ski race, and often if they stick around long enough, build friendships that will last a lifetime. They also amass independence and learn what it means to be a good teammate, with respect and honesty at the forefront, all while getting to play outside and explore the outdoors in new ways.
Interested in signing up your little one? Reach out to @chinapeakraceteam for details!